19 May 2009

Seeing the OS this Friday

Well its time to find out whether I will go for the surgery and braces, or just the braces. This Friday I'm metting my surgeon (for the first time) and I have my list of questions for her:

How much will it cost?

How long would I be in hospital?

How long would I need off work?

Will incisions be made in my cheeks?

Will it affect the shape of my face and nose? If so how?

Will I need a 2nd surgery?

Am I a good candidate for surgery?

What is the success rate of the surgery?

Anything else I should know?

Then a few questions about my private health fund (and I'm hoping the answers to those ones are positive!)

I had sort of forgotten about the possibiltiy of surgery because its been so long since I saw my ortho - now I'm facing it again! Its scary but when I think about the end result I get excited and try and remember that in 2 years if I didnt get it done, they could have been on and off by now (if that makes sense?!) Let's see what the OS has to say before I start visualising myself with a huge gap, drool on my chin, and playing the banjo.

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