Well its hard to believe I only have 3 turns left out of 21! I see my ortho on Monday so she will let me know whether I have enough expansion or I need more (NOOO!) The gap is just big (well small) enough so people think its just a gap rather than a missing tooth. Anymore though and people will be thinking 'what the h*ll happened to her?'. But I am prepared for more expansion if necessary because I dont want to do this half arsed. I didnt go through surgery for nothing.
I get braces on 6 weeks after I stop expanding so its not that long to wait. Once they are on the gap will start to close and also they will take notice away from the gap as well. I never though I'd look forward to braces :) but I am.
As for the freakin' expander, I hate it...with a passion. Just sitting watching TV or working is fine, but when I have to talk or eat its a real pain. I sound sort of drunk and anything with an 'eee' sound is pretty much impossible to say. My tongue doesnt play with it alot so I dont have a sore spot or anything which is one good thing. I am counting down the days until it comes off. It should be about a week before xmas - if the only present I get is the expander taken out then I will be very happy!
Swelling continues to go down a little more each day. I notice it the most on my upper lip area under my nose. I still have numb areas on my cheeks, gums, nose, and under my eyes as well but sensation is coming back slowly. All the stitches have fallen out so it feels alot more comfortable up there. It is still quite tender but thats to be expected. I'm so glad the surgery is over because that was the biggest part of all this for me. Now its just about healing and creating my new smile which is really exciting.
Oh you poor thing!!! When i went to the ortho they were talking about maxilary expansion but luckily i didnt have to go thru it. Ha ha wanting braces does sound funny but it would be hard having massive gap. Good luck. It will all be worth it :)